Initiate Justice Action


Henry Stern (D)

Incumbent Grade A

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 State Senator

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC
Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC


 Senator Stern was first elected to the State Senate in 2016. An environmental attorney by trade, Stern was an advisor to former State Senator Fran Pavley prior to running for office. His focus in the Legislature has largely been on climate issues, and he Chairs the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change.

Public Safety Platform:

Stern’s public safety platform states the following: “We have been offered a false choice: that defunding the police is necessary to end systemic racism in criminal justice. And that investing in alternatives to incarceration through drug courts, social work, and street medicine must mean violent crime should be without consequence.” His platform touts his work passing SB 1472, known as Ryan’s Law, which imposes felony manslaughter charges if street takeovers result in death, and allocated millions for police overtime and expansion to respond to street shows. 

Nevertheless, Senator Stern has also largely voted in favor of progressive criminal justice reform legislation, including SB 1282, which died on the Senate floor, and would have authorized diversion for all felony cases. Senator Stern earned an A on our Legislative Scorecard in both 2023 and 2024.Given his reliable voting record and the extremist views of his opponent, IJ Action recommends SD 27 voters support re-elect Senator Stern.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Mother / Business Owner

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


 Volotzky is a perennial Republican candidate who has run for various federal and state seats over the last few election cycles. She is a small business owner running on a platform of “Faith, Family, and Freedom.”

Public Safety Platform:

Volotzky’s public safety platform states: “Public Safety has been hurt by defunding the police. Criminals have been released, and more and more men and women in uniform been murdered. I say don’t defund the police, defend the police! We have to stand with our men and women in uniform to protect our cities, state, and country.”


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