Initiate Justice Action


Dave Cortese (D)

Incumbent Grade A

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 California State Senator

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA PAC)
SCC Probation Peace Officers Union Local 1587 PAC
California Association of Highway Patrolmen


 Senator Cortese was first elected to the State Senate in 2020. He previously served on the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors for 12 years, and prior to that as Council Member and Vice Mayor for the City of San Jose. He is also the son of former Santa Clara County Supervisor and California Assemblymember Dominic Cortese.

Public Safety Platform:

This session, Senator Cortese earned an A on IJ Action’s scorecard. He has been a consistent vote for important criminal justice bills over his tenure, including voting for SB 1282, which died on the Senate floor, but would have authorized court-ordered diversion in any felony case. Senator Cortese also led SB 94, another IJ Action supported bill which would allow for recall and resentencing for people sentenced to LWOP or a death penalty who have served at least 20 years. For all these reasons, IJ Action recommends that SD 15 voters re-elect Senator Cortese.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Cybersecurity Equipment Manager

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


 Howell is a Cybersecurity Manager and an elected delegate to the Santa Clara County Republican Party. He ran unsuccessfully for Insurance Commissioner in 2022. Howell is founder of the Tea Party Patriots of Silicon Valley.

Public Safety Platform:

Howell’s campaign website does not include a policy platform, however he shares video interviews where he espouses extreme right wing views such as eliminating critical race theory and denying the Presidential Election results of 2020. He also voices support for the police and carceral approaches to retail theft. He is a vocal Trump supporter and is endorsed by far-right wing organizations such as Moms for Liberty and Drain the Swamp PAC.


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