Initiate Justice Action


Scott Wiener (D)

Incumbent Grade A+

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 State Senator

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC
State Coalition of Probation Organizations PAC


Senator Wiener was first elected to the State Senate in 2016, after many years in various positions in local politics in San Francisco where he served on the County Board of Supervisors, County Transportation Authority, and as a commissioner on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

Public Safety Platform:

Senator Wiener is endorsed by IJ Action and is a longtime progressive ally on the Senate Public Safety Committee. This year, Senator Wiener earned an A+ on IJ Action’s scorecard, voting yes on all 6 of the justice reform bills we supported and also voting against AB 1960, a bill we strongly opposed which would create new sentencing enhancements for property damage. He has an extensive public safety platform, which he titled “Criminal Justice and Decarceration.” On his platform he lists over two dozen bills he has co-authored, including ACA 6, which became Proposition 17 and restored voting rights for people on parole in California. He also lists being a co-author of the Racial Justice Act, legislation to repeal the death penalty, end qualified immunity for police, and restrict use of “less-lethal” police weapons such as rubber bullets and tear gas. 

Senator Wiener also writes that he “…is working with partners such as the Innocence Project, the Ella Baker Center, the Drug Policy Alliance, and more to reimagine and rebuild our broken system.” Due to this strong voting record and demonstrated history of authoring good bills, IJ Action endorses Senator Wiener for reelection.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Registered Nurse / Mother

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


 Corkrean is a registered nurse and conservative activist, and currently serves as Vice Chair of Volunteers for the San Francisco County Republican Central Committee.

Public Safety Platform:

 Corkrean’s public safety platform outlines the following: “Yvette is determined to tackle the complex issues of rising crime rates, supporting law enforcement, and confronting the drug crisis head-on. She recognizes that homelessness, littered streets, and deteriorating cities demand immediate attention. Her mission is to implement holistic solutions, providing secure shelter and support for the homeless while breathing new life into our cities, restoring them to the vibrant, thriving places she holds dear.”


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