Initiate Justice Action

IJ Action Recommendation: VOTE YES




This measure would make permanent the existing tax on managed health care insurance plans, currently set to expire in 2026, which the state uses to pay for health care services for low-income families with children, seniors, people with disabilities, and other groups covered by the Medi-Cal program. It would require revenues to be used only for specified Medi-Cal services, including primary and specialty care, emergency care, family planning, mental health, and prescription drugs. It also prohibits revenues from being used to replace other existing Medi-Cal funding and caps administrative expenses and requires independent audits of programs receiving funding.


Funders: Global Medical Response, Inc., California Primary Care Association, California Hospitals Committee, California Medical Association, California Dental Association, Family Health Centers of San Diego, various Planned Parenthood associations

Organizations: Yes on 35 - Protect our Healthcare, a Coalition of First Responders, Healthcare Workers, Doctors, Non-Profit Community Health Centers and Hospitals; Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project Los Angeles County - Yes on Prop 35


Funders: N/A

Organizations: Courage CA, League of Women Voters CA, The Children’s Partnership, the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, and the California Alliance for Retired Americans

IJ Action Recommendation

IJ Action recommends a yes vote on Proposition 35 as it will help ensure the solvency of Medi-Cal and the ability for low-income families to continue to receive the healthcare services that they need. Furthermore, by specifically directing the funds raised from the tax on insurance plans into primary and related care services, it guarantees that funds are used for their intended purpose.


Yes on Prop 35: 

No on Prop 35: