Initiate Justice Action


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

Councilmember/Nonprofit Executive

Law Enforcement Contributions:

Small Business Owner


 Tangipa is Field Representative for Fresno County Supervisor Nathan Magsig, and also works in private real estate. He is a first-time candidate with the endorsement of outgoing term-limited Assemblymember Jim Patterson.

Public Safety Platform:

On public safety, Tangipa writes “Increase public safety and protect families by supporting law enforcement and passing common sense anti-crime bills.” He is endorsed by several law enforcement associations, such as the CCPOA, CA Peace Officers Research Association, CA Association of Highway Patrolmen, and the Police Officers Associations of Fresno, Madera, and Clovis.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Family Business Owner

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


Radanovich is a former member of U.S. Congress, serving from 1995 until his retirement in 2011. While in Congress, Radanovich sat on the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee. He ran unsuccessfully for State Senate District 4 in 2022.

Public Safety Platform:

Under the heading “Restore Law and Order”, Radanovich’s campaign website reads “Our state once had a great Governor in George Deukmejian and one of his slogans was, “do the crime, do the time.” We need to get back to that law and order attitude that holds criminals accountable. Let’s start by repealing Propositions 47 and 57 and AB 109. These measures were sold as being pro-public safety, but the truth is the opposite – they have made us less safe. Gavin Newsom is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to turn San Quentin Prison into a fancy resort for convicts. Maybe we should turn it back into a prison instead.”

While in Congress, Radanovich consistently sided with pro law enforcement bills and voted to reauthorize the PATRIOT Act allowing for mass public surveillance, and voted against timetables for eventual withdrawal from Iraq. Because both candidates support tough-on-crime policies, IJ Action has no recommendation for this race


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