Initiate Justice Action


Tasha Boerner (D)

Incumbent Grade B

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 California State Assemblymember

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA)
Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC PAC)
Los Angeles Police Protective League
California Statewide Law Enforcement Association PAC
CA Association of Highway Patrolmen


Assemblymember Boerner was first elected to the State Assembly in 2018, after serving several years on the Encinitas City Council.

Public Safety Platform:

Assemblymember Boerner is a moderate on justice reform issues. She earned a “D” on the IJ Action Legislative Scorecard last year, voting yes on 3 of the bills we prioritized, but skipping the vote on AB 600, to create more opportunities for sentencing recalls, AB 1310, to retroactively give judges more discretion to lessen or remove gun enhancements, and AB 93, to end warrantless searches by police. This year she improved significantly, earning a “B” after voting in favor of several good bills.

For example she supported AB 2178 to reduce prison capacity and AB 2709 to strengthen voting rights, but she also voted for AB 1960 to create new enhancements for property damage. At the same time, she did not vote for AB 1990, which IJ Action strongly opposed, and would have authorized physical custody for petty shoplifting.

On public safety, her campaign website states: “In the State Assembly, I continue to strengthen our unique communities, by working with law enforcement to keep our families and neighborhoods safe, and ensuring first responders have the tools, training, and technology that they need to effectively do their jobs.” Due to her mixed voting record and lack of a serious challenger, IJ Action does not recommend either candidate in the AD 77 race.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Entrepreneur / Financial Advisor

Law Enforcement Contributions:

The candidate has not reported any campaign funds as of 8/23/24


Browne is an entrepreneur and law student, and is also a finance professional.

Public Safety Platform:

 Browne’s website says he supports “ending mass incarceration” but his public safety platform outlines the following: “When elected in the State Assembly, I will work hard to strengthen our communities by working with firefighters and law enforcement to keep our families and neighborhoods safe, and ensuring first responders have the tools, training, and technology that they need to perform their job effectively.”


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