Initiate Justice Action


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Scientist / School Boardmember

Law Enforcement Contributions: 

None as of 8/23/24


Patel is an elected Trustee on the Poway Unified School District Board of Trustees. She is also President of the San Diego County School Boards Association, and a member of the San Diego Police Department Northeastern Division Captain’s Advisory Board.

Public Safety Platform:

Patel does not have a written public safety platform, but has been a member of the San Diego Police Department’s Advisory Board for many years. When conservative parents were violently protesting outside school board meetings, Patel called for greater law enforcement protection for school board members. 

In an interview with the San Diego Tribune, Patel was asked about her opinion on Proposition 47 repeal efforts, and whether she personally supports the efforts. She responded as follows: “As a pro-public safety candidate, I understand the concerns leading to calls for reforming Proposition 47. Since its passage 10 years ago, there have been failed attempts to reform Proposition 47, and voters may have a chance to weigh in again in November. As a voter-implemented policy, it’s appropriate for voters to decide whether to implement reforms, especially in light of increasing retail theft and drug-related crimes. In general, I prefer legislative fixes to loopholes and ineffective policies, rather than ballot initiatives that can subject voters to propaganda funded by special interest groups.”

Her platform highlights gun violence as a priority, writing “In the State Assembly, I will fight for common-sense gun safety measures, including secure storage, comprehensive background checks at time of sale, closing loopholes, and rigorous enforcement of our gun laws to protect the safety and well-being of our communities.” 

Because her views on justice reform are unclear and her opponent has strong tough-on-crime views, IJ Action does not have a recommendation in this race.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Businesswoman / Victims Advocate

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA)
Riverside Sheriffs’ Association


 Bruce-Lane is a former elected official on the San Diego Water Board. She is the founder and President of The Thumbprint Project Foundation which is described as assisting unhoused kids in transitioning from experiences with childhood domestic violence.

Public Safety Platform:

 Bruce-Lane has written the following on her website regarding public safety priorities: “The rise in crime, especially violent crimes, across the country is alarming. While San Diego County reports lower crime rates than Los Angeles, our residents, our neighborhoods, our businesses are less safe because of soft-on-crime policies. I successfully fought on the frontlines to keep Sexually Violent Predators away from our children and out of our communities and I will fight for your safety in Sacramento. I support prevention programs for our at-risk youth as well rehabilitation programs for those re-entering our communities. My work on keeping our communities safe are recognized by law enforcement and crime survivors, having received the endorsement of the San Diego County Deputy Sheriff’s Association and CrimeSurvivors PAC.”


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