Initiate Justice Action


Incumbent Grade C

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 California State Assemblymember

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) PAC
Peace Officers Research Association of CA (PORAC PAC)
California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
Huntington Beach Police Officers Association
Anaheim Police Association
Long Beach Police Officers Association
California State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police
Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s County Employees’ Benefit Association
Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs Association
California Association of Highway Patrolmen


Assemblymember Petrie-Norris was first elected in 2018. She was a businesswoman by trade, and currently is Chair of the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy and of the Select Committee on Green Innovation.

Public Safety Platform:

Assemblymember Petrie-Norris has a relatively poor voting record on justice reform issues in the Assembly. She authored AB 955, a bill that failed but would have created a new crime by making the sale of fentanyl on social media punishable by 3, 6, or 9 years in county jail, and AB 2438, which would create a new felony enhancement for property damage.

She earned an “F” on the IJ Action Legislative Scorecard last year, only voting to support 1 of the 6 bills we prioritized. But this year, she improved her voting record and earned a “C.” She voted in favor of bills like AB 2178 to facilitate more prison closures and AB 2709 to strengthen visitation rights. 

Her campaign website also touts her efforts to secure additional funding for the Disarming Prohibited Persons Task Force and “…improve law enforcement’s system for seizing illegal weapons and keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals.” She is endorsed by California Association of Highway Patrolmen

California and Correctional Peace Officers Association. Due to her inconsistency in supporting good bills, her authorship of criminalizing bills, and the excessive campaign contributions she has received from law enforcement, IJ Action has no recommendation to make in the AD 73 race.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Architect / Small Businessman

Law Enforcement Contributions:

None as of 8/23/24


 Peotter is a former Newport Beach City Councilmember.

Public Safety Platform:

 Peotter does not have a campaign website for his Assembly race, but as a councilmember has been a staunch conservative and supporter of law enforcement.



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