Initiate Justice Action


Incumbent Grade F

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Member of the Assembly

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) PAC
Peace Officers Research Association of CA (PORAC PAC)
CA Statewide Law Enforcement Association PAC
CA Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC


 Assemblymember Dixon was first elected in 2022, after serving for eight years on the Newport Beach City Council. She is a business executive and former President of the Association of California Cities-Orange County.

Public Safety Platform:

This session, Assemblymember Dixon introduced multiple bills opposed by justice reform organizations, such as AB 758, which would have added another ineffective gun enhancement to the penal code, and AB 1582, which would have made it easier to confine youth in secure youth treatment facilities. Both bills failed to pass. She also authored ACA 12 (Alexandra’s Law), a dangerous piece of legislation which would allow the courts to charge people who deal fentanyl with manslaughter in the case of overdose. Additionally, Assemblymember Dixon voted no on ACA 8 to refer a measure to the November ballot ending slavery in California prisons, and also voted no on AB 2178 to reduce prison capacity and AB 2709 to strengthen visitation rights. 

On her campaign website, she touts her support of SB 14, a bill that expanded the Three Strikes Law for the first time in two decades, stating: “When the Assembly Public Safety Committee tried to kill SB 14 to further punish people trafficking children, Diane used her position to spread the word and put pressure on the Democrats to stop this bill. The media coverage and public pressure campaign that followed was enough to pass this bill, which was then signed into law by the Governor.” She furthermore failed to vote in support of any of the justice reform bills that IJ Action prioritized last year or this year, earning her an “F” on the IJ Action Legislative Scorecard. She is endorsed by the Orange County Sheriff and several law enforcement agencies.

Dixon has endorsed Proposition 36, a measure that will appear on the November 2024 General Election ballot that would bring back felony charges for drug possession, create new enhancements for retail theft, and gut major components of Proposition 47. It is being led by district attorneys, police and prison associations, and big corporations like Walmart and Home Depot.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Retired Special Educator

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


Jones owns and operates a gym in Huntington Beach. She is a community activist who previously ran for U.S. Congress and for Huntington Beach City Council.

Public Safety Platform:

 Jones did not have a public safety platform on her campaign website for the primary, but has the following added for the General Election: “ Our Police, Firefighters, and First Responders are the brave guardians and protectors of our coastal cities, and we must do everything in our power to support and protect them.”


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