Initiate Justice Action


Jose Luis Solache (D)

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Mayor / Nonprofit Director

Law Enforcement Contributions:

Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC
Long Beach Police Officers Association
California Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC


Solache is an elected official on the Lynwood City Council and has also served as Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem. Prior to that he served three terms on the Lynwood Unified School District’s Board of Education.

Public Safety Platform:

Solache does not have an issues page on his website. However, when he ran for State Senate in 2019, he provided answers on the record to questions about police abuse and misconduct, and whether he supported SB 1421 to expand public oversight of police abuse. He stated “I think legislation such [as SB 1421] is very important… There’s a lot of criminal justice issues that we have in our local communities, especially in SD 33. One of the reasons why I support, for example, cannabis in our communities is because there’s a lot of criminal justice issues within our community and [affecting] our young folks. So legislation like that, I think it’s important to have and [to] discuss how we protect our local communities.”

He is endorsed by dozens of elected officials, including outgoing Assemblymember Anthony Rendon, as well as many community organizations. However, because of the relative lack of public information on his views on public safety and the fact that he accepted campaign contributions from law enforcement, IJ Action has no recommendation in this race.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Retired Combat Marine

Law Enforcement Contributions:

The candidate has not reported any campaign funds raised as of 8/23/24


 Jones is a retired Marine and former K-5th Grade computer teacher.

Public Safety Platform:

While Jones does not have a written public safety platform, his website discusses the “rise in crime in California over the past 12 years” and describes SB 81, a bill supported by IJ Action, as one of the “Top 10 Worst Laws Approved in 2023” because it makes it easier to “release criminals”. His rhetoric is overall extremely right-wing and tough-on-crime.


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