Initiate Justice Action


Isaac Bryan (D)

Incumbent – Grade A+

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

Councilmember/Nonprofit Executive

Law Enforcement Contributions: California Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC 


 Assemblymember Bryan was first elected to the State Assembly in 2021 following a special election. A justice reform advocate by training, Bryan founded the UCLA Black Policy Project, a multi-issue policy lab addressing racial inequities. He was also a coalition leader for Measure J, a local ballot measure in Los Angeles which passed in 2020 to require the county to reallocate $1 billion from the sheriff’s department and reinvest it into housing, education, job training, and other community programs.

Public Safety Platform:

IJ Action proudly endorses Assemblymember Isaac Bryan. Since his election, Assemblymember Bryan has consistently championed abolitionist policies such as AB 93 to ban consent searches, AB 61 to address pretrial detention, and AB 544 to expand voting at county jails. This session, Assemblymember Bryan was the principal author of ACA 4, an IJ Action cosponsored piece of legislation that would place an initiative on the November 2024 ballot to restore voting rights to people in prison. 

In addition to his strong leadership on authoring good justice reform legislation, he has also been a vocal opponent of harmful legislation. Notably, he did not vote to support SB 14 in the Public Safety Committee, and stated on the record that this bill is an expansion of the Three Strikes Law and unnecessary since human trafficking is already severely punishable by law. He also consistently voted to reject any legislation aimed at increasing criminalization for drug use or rolling back Prop 47.

He voted no on AB 1960, a harmful bill opposed by IJ Action that would create new enhancements for property damage, and did not vote for AB 1990, another bill opposed by IJ Action, which would have authorized physical custody for shoplifting. Furthermore, Assemblymember Bryan earned an “A” on the IJ Action Legislative Scorecard in 2023 and an “A+” in 2024, voting yes on all of the bills we prioritized.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Software Developer

Law Enforcement Contributions:

The candidate has not reported any campaign funds as of 8/23/24


 Cascio is Chair of the Republican Committee for AD 55, and is a software developer in Venice Beach. He is also Treasurer of the Los Angeles County Republican Party.

Public Safety Platform:

Cascio’s public safety platform outlines the following: “Reducing crime requires improving lives and creating economic opportunities in low-income communities. It also requires support for law enforcement and the application of all laws equally.”


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