Initiate Justice Action


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Public Safety Commissioner

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA PAC)
Pomona Police Officers Association PAC
​​Riverside Sheriffs’ Association
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Association PAC
Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC
California Association of Highway Patrolmen


 Rodriguez is married to outgoing incumbent, Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez. She is a Commissioner on the Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST), which sets training and professionalism standards for California law enforcement agencies. Her son is a Deputy Sheriff and she is a Neighborhood Watch organizer.

Public Safety Platform:

Michelle Rodriguez’s public safety platform outlines the following: “In the Assembly, Michelle will: 1) Ensure the Inland Empire receives the necessary resources to fully staff our local fire firefighters, law enforcement, and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel; 2) Work with the community to ensure that the services and resources that are provided through the different state agencies are culturally sensitive and appropriately distributed; 3) Implement incentivized neighborhood watch programs to ensure the constituents are encouraged to participate in reporting suspicious activity and crimes; 4) Work with local police departments to fund and implement community policing programs that place our police officers within the community to serve as positive and visible symbols of public safety.”

She is endorsed by several law enforcement agencies, such as the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, California Police Chiefs Association, Los Angeles Police Protective League, and many more. Because of her strong support from law enforcement and the tough-on-crime views of her opponent, IJ Action has no recommendation in this race.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Law Enforcement Educator

Law Enforcement Contributions:

San Bernardino County Sheriff’s County Employees’ Benefit


 Wilson is a retired police officer and founder of the Resiliency Project, which focuses on “first responder mental health and suicide prevention.” Wilson is also an instructor for the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training.

Public Safety Platform:

Wilson’s public safety platform outlines the following: “It’s time to end the war on cops in Sacramento. Our law enforcement officers have been handcuffed by our politicians through restrictive legislation and reduction in funding. This has greatly weakened our law enforcement resulting in increased crime rates in our own district. I will fight to restore public safety as it is one of the foundations of our standard of living.”


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