Initiate Justice Action


Franky Carrillo (D)

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Justice Advocate / Commissioner

Law Enforcement Contributions:

None as of 8/23/24


Franky Carrillo is an activist and member of the Los Angeles County Probation Oversight Commission. He is formerly incarcerated, having served 20 years under a wrongful conviction. Carrillo is also Chief Policy Advisor for the Los Angeles Innocence Project at Cal State L.A.

Public Safety Platform:

Carrillo has highlighted his lived experiences with prison in his platform, stating: “There is no candidate with more lived experience navigating the justice system.” His commitment it to “mend broken systems through effective and transformative policies,” namely by shifting mental health, substance use, and traffic violations away from armed police officers; eliminating ineffective sentencing enhancements and mandatory minimums; lead reforms focused on women and children in the incarceration system; increasing second-look sentencing; and increasing job opportunities for formerly incarcerated people.

During his endorsement interview, Carrillo also shared his support for repealing the Three Strikes Law and life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (LWOP). Because of his lived experience and commitment to justice reform, IJ Action encourages AD 52 voters to support Franky Carrillo for Assembly.



Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Women’s Rights Advocate

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


Caloza is former Deputy Chief of Staff for CA Attorney General Rob Bonta, and former Commissioner for Los Angeles Public Works. She also worked as an aide to former President Obama on education policy, and is Southern California Chair of the Asian American & Pacific Islander Caucus in the California Democratic Party and board member of the Pilipino American Los Angeles Democrats.

Public Safety Platform:

Caloza does not have a written public safety platform, but on the issue of ending gun violence, her campaign website states: “In the Assembly, she will continue to take on the NRA and the gun lobby by fighting for common-sense gun restrictions and work to ensure guns stay out of the hands of dangerous criminals, including those accused of domestic violence and sexual assault.”

In separate interviews has indicated that while supporting repeal of some enhancements, she believes they should be maintained for “heinous crimes” without going into further detail. She does support full repeal of the Three Strikes Law and capping the number of enhancements that an individual can be convicted of.

Caloza is endorsed by progressive elected leaders such as Attorney General Rob Bonta, Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas, and Assemblymembers Isaac Bryan, Mia Bonta, and Alex Lee. She was invited to participate in the IJ Action endorsement process but did not respond.


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