Initiate Justice Action


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 School Boardmember, County of Santa Clara

Law Enforcement Contributions: 

Santa Clara County Probation Peace Officers Union Local 1587 PAC


 Sreekrishnan is District Director for Senator Dave Cortese, and also served as his Chief of Staff when he was a County Supervisor. She is also Vice President on the Santa Clara County Board of Education, and founded a non-profit focused on addressing climate change through education.

Public Safety Platform:

Sreekrishnan’s public safety platform outlines the following: “Revitalize and reshape our public safety system to bolster community safety and tackle the underlying causes of violence and crime, including health services, housing, and jobs.” Her platform includes support for “Tirelessly advocating for robust investment in programs designed to prevent youth involvement in crime. This includes crisis response programs in schools, initiatives to remove barriers to education and employment for youth aged 12-24, and facilitating access to critical services for hospitalized youth, disrupting the cycle of violence.”

Similar to her opponent, she sidesteps support for unarmed crisis responders and instead outlines “Supporting the integration of mental health initiatives within law enforcement, including the role of community service officers trained in mental health crisis response to better serve and support our communities.” In separate interviews on criminal justice issues, Sreekrishnan outlined an openness to eliminating some enhancements deemed ineffective, and towards reforming the Three Strikes Law. She has the endorsement of many elected officials, including her current boss, Senator Cortese.

IJ Action believes AD 26 voters should support Sreekrishnan for several reasons. Her opponent has several donations from police associations. She also discussed the need for crime prevention strategies that focus on the needs of youth while her opponent did not provide as much detail. Finally, her work on behalf of Senator Cortese, who has been a good ally on criminal justice reform, likely gives her a deeper understanding of the issues than her opponent.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

Governing Board Member, Foothill – De Anza Community College District

Law Enforcement Contributions:

Santa Clara County Probation Peace Officers Union Local 1587 AFSCME AFL-CIO PAC
Peace Officers Research Association of California PAC (PORAC PAC)
California Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC


 Ahrens is district director for outgoing Assemblymember Evan Low, and is also a Trustee on the Foothill-De Anza Community College District Board. He was first elected in 2018.

Public Safety Platform:

During the Primary Election, Aherns’ public safety platform stated the following: “Violent crimes, retail theft, and gun violence have increased in recent years. In 2023, Californians have experienced a mass shooting every six days. I will advocate for policies to keep Californians safe.” He updated his platform since entering the General Election, now stating: “By supporting law enforcement agencies with the resources they need, while also championing criminal justice reform, we can strike a balance that ensures both safety and fairness. It is essential that we engage in open dialogue with community members, local leaders, and law enforcement to collaboratively develop solutions that enhance public safety and promote a sense of security for every Californian.” 

Ahrens supports expanding community policing and “Crime Prevention Initiatives” that “address root causes.” While his platform highlights the need for mental health support, he frames it under “…advocating for increased resources and training for law enforcement to handle mental health crises with sensitivity and expertise” as opposed to supporting unarmed crisis responders.

He has the endorsement of many elected officials, including his current boss, Assemblymember Low and Santa Clara County Sheriff, Bob Johnson. He is also endorsed by the Peace Officers Research Association of California, and the Santa Clara County Probation Officers (AFSCME) Local 1857.


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