Initiate Justice Action


Matt Haney (D)

Incumbent – Grade A+

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:


Law Enforcement Contributions: California Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC


 Assemblymember Haney was first elected to the State Assembly in 2022 following a special election. He served on the San Francisco School Board for seven years, and is a former Executive Director of the UC Student Association. Haney also founded an Oakland-based non-profit that seeks to end mass incarceration by investing in youth and poverty reduction.

Public Safety Platform:

Assemblymember Haney has a very strong record on justice reform. This session, he was a co-author of ACA 4, an IJ Action cosponsored piece of legislation that would place an initiative on the November 2024 ballot to restore voting rights to people in prison. He also introduced AB 1226, which will require CDCR place incarcerated parents at the prison closest to their children; and AB 1497, which will allow more protections in court for defendents who are survivors of human trafficking, sexual violence, or domestic abuse. Haney also did not vote for two bills that IJ Action fiercely opposed – AB 1990, which authorized physical custody for petty shoplifting, and AB 1960, which created new enhancements for property damage. 

Assemblymember Haney earned an “A” on the IJ Action Legislative Scorecard last year, and this year earned an “A+.” IJ Action strongly recommends Matt Haney for AD17.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Real Estate Businessman

Law Enforcement Contributions:

The candidate has not reported any campaign funds as of 8/23/24


 Noris-Barrera is a real estate professional and first-time candidate for State Assembly.

Public Safety Platform:

 Noris-Barrera does not have a policy platform, and his campaign website is exclusively for fundraising (despite the fact that he has no reported campaign funds). On his X page he lists “community safety, family values, personal rights, and American exceptionalism” as his priorities.


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