Initiate Justice Action

Harm Reduction

Anamarie Avila Farias (D)

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Contra Costa County Board of Education, Trustee

Law Enforcement Contributions:

Peace Officers Research Association (PORAC PAC)
CA Association of Highway Patrolmen


 Avila Farias is a Trustee on the Contra Costa County Board of Education, and was elected in 2020. Prior to that she served eight years on the Martinez City Council. She is also a Democratic County Central Committee District 5 representative and AD 15 delegate.

Public Safety Platform:

Avila Farias’ website outlines a platform of “transforming public safety” by focusing on recruitment of well-trained personnel and expanded accountability measures. In a separate interview she touted support for expanding re-entry and repealing ineffective mandatory minimums, but did not provide any explicit detail about which types of enhancements she would support full repeal of. She is also endorsed by law enforcement agencies such as the Peace Officers Research Association and the CA Association of Highway Patrolmen.

Nevertheless IJ Action recommends AD 15 support her as the harm reduction candidate over her opponent, given her opponent’s support for stricter sentences. 


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:


Law Enforcement Contributions:

BART Police Officers’ Association PAC
Martinez Police Officers Association
Walnut Creek Police Association
Concord Police Association PAC


Ledo is a self-employed real estate professional and first-time candidate. She is also a member of the One Hundred Club Organization which supports the families of police officers and firefighters.

Public Safety Platform:

 Ledo’s public safety platform outlines the following: “Sonia’s top priority in Sacramento is improving public safety in our communities and reducing criminal recidivism. Her plan includes a comprehensive 4-part approach that includes a focus on Police, Prosecutors, Judges, and Rehabilitation. Sonia will work for: 1) Better recruitment, training and technology programs for our police departments; 2) Tougher mandates for prosecution of criminals by our district attorneys; 3) Stricter sentencing guidelines for our judges, and; 4) Mandated rehabilitation and transition services for first time offenders and those who have served their time.”


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