Initiate Justice Action


Michelle Chambers (D)

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Community Justice Advocate

Law Enforcement Contributions:

None as of 8/23/24


Chambers is a former elected official on the Compton City Council, where she served for three years before resigning in 2022. She is a former field representative for Assemblymember Mike Gipson, and also worked as a Communications representative for County Assessor Jeffrey Prang. Chambers is also endorsed by the district’s outgoing State Senator, Steve Bradford.

Public Safety Platform:

Chambers’ public safety platform outlines support for policies to “…hire more firefighters and paramedics” and expanding gun-safety initiatives such as red flag laws. She goes on to write how she supports a “…balanced approach to public safety, combining effective community policing with critical criminal justice reforms — including investments in mental health services, education, and community programs that address the root causes of crime.”

In separate interviews, Chambers noted support for capping enhancements and repealing ineffective ones, but stopped at universal repeal, stating that “some crimes” would need to be reviewed. Chambers is endorsed by dozens of elected officials and community-based organizations, such as California Environmental Voters, Working Families Party, and various reproductive rights groups. 

IJ Action recommends SD 35 voters support Chambers over her opponent primarily due to her openness to justice reform and her opponent’s endorsements from law enforcement groups.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Businesswoman / Housing Advocate

Law Enforcement Contributions:

Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC
California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) PAC
California Association of Highway Patrolmen


Richardson is a former member of U.S. Congress, serving from 2007 to 2013, spent one year in the State Assembly from 2006 to 2007, and served six years on the Long Beach City Council. While in Congress, she served on the Committee on Homeland Security. Richardson was formerly married to retired Long Beach Police Chief Anthony Batts.

Public Safety Platform:

Richardson’s statement on public safety is as follows: “Criminal justice sentencing reform is a critical component of achieving a fair and equitable society. I will advocate for policies that promote fairness, reduce mass incarceration, and address the systemic issues within our criminal justice system.”

Her record in Congress also sheds some light on her perspectives on the topic. For instance, she co-sponsored bills that would allow individuals with nonviolent convictions to expunge their records, and supported legislation to eliminate the discrepancies in sentencing for powdered vs crack cocaine. She also supported youth justice legislation and bills to eliminate the mandatory minimum sentence for first-time crack cocaine possession. At the same time, Richardson supported federal grants to police and legislation to establish a national coordination and communication center for slain law enforcement. Richardson has indicated support for repealing some enhancements, but believes they should be maintained for “intentional murder or mass shooting.”

Richardson is also supported by law enforcement, with endorsements from the California Association of Highway Patrolmen, Los Angeles Police Protective League, and the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs.


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