Initiate Justice Action


Eloise Gomez Reyes (D)

*Current Assemblymember – Grade A

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Assemblymember / Attorney / Businesswoman

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA PAC)


 Assemblymember Reyes is currently a member of the State Assembly, and served as Majority Leader from 2020 to 2023. Prior to elected office, Reyes opened her own law firm in the Inland Empire representing workers in lawsuits against corporations.

Public Safety Platform:

Assemblymember Reyes does not have a written public safety platform, but served on the Assembly Public Safety Committee this legislative session. While she often voiced concerns with various bills that created new enhancements or expanded prison policy in some capacity, she nevertheless voted for them, including for bills like AB 1990 and AB 1960.  Assemblymember Reyes is also a member of the Select Committee on Retail Theft, established in response to the so-called “smash and grab” robberies. Therein she expressed a more nuanced view, arguing how mass incarceration is not the solution to retail theft.

Assemblymember Reyes also has a strong record of supporting justice reform during her time in the Assembly – in 2020, she authored AB 2147, which expedited expungements so that formerly incarcerated people could be hired as firefighters. She has earned an A on the IJ Action Scorecard in both 2023 and 2024 and has voted in support of many of our cosponsored bills in the past, such as ACA 6 which helped restore voting rights to people on parole.

Assemblymember Reyes is supported by progressive organizations including Courage California and the Working Families Party. IJ Action recommends SD 29 voters support Reyes for SD 29. 


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Business Owner

Law Enforcement Contributions:

Rialto Police Benefit Association PAC


 Garcia is an elected official on the Upland City Council and business owner in the IT industry. He is also a certified Career Technical Education (CTE) teacher.

Public Safety Platform:

Garcia does not have a written policy platform, but his “About Me” page mentions how he refers to himself as “The Public Safety Candidate” and touts his endorsement from San Bernardino County Sheriff Shannon Dicus. He is also endorsed by the San Bernardino County Police Chiefs and Sheriff Association, Peace Officers Association of California, Upland Police Officers Association, the Upland Police Chief Marcelo Blanco, and several other police associations.


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