Initiate Justice Action


Incumbent – Grade C

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

California Assemblymember

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
California Association of Highway Patrolmen
California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA PAC)
Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC PAC)
Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s County Employees’ Benefit Association
Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs Association
Huntington Beach Police Officers Association
Long Beach Police Officers Association


Assemblymember Quirk-Silva was re-elected to the State Assembly in 2016, after serving one term and then losing her seat to a Republican challenger. Prior to joining the Assembly she was Mayor of Fullerton and also worked for many years as an elementary school teacher.

Public Safety Platform:

Assemblymember Quirk-Silva has a mixed record on justice reforms issues. Her website touts how she authored AB 1459 (now law) to charge the killing of a police officer as first degree murder, and this cycle, she introduced AB 455 to allow prosecutors to petition a judge to prohibit someone in pretrial diversion from possessing a firearm. Last year and this year she earned a “C” on the IJ Action Legislative Scorecard, reflecting her mixed voting record. This year, she did not vote to support AB 2709 to strengthen visitation rights, and voted to support criminalization bills like AB 1990 and AB 1960, which IJ Action strongly opposed.

Assemblymember Quirk-Silva has received several campaign contributions from law enforcement and is endorsed by the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, California Association of Highway Patrolmen, and Peace Officers Research Association of California. Because of her support of criminalization bills and overall inconsistency in support of good justice reform bills, IJ Action does not have a recommendation in this race.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Retired Entrepreneur

Law Enforcement Contributions:

The candidate has not reported any campaign funds as of 8/23/24


 Culver is a retired entrepreneur, per her ballot designation.

Public Safety Platform:

Culver does not have a campaign website or policy platform, and little information about her is publicly available.



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