Initiate Justice Action


Clarissa Cervantes (D)

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Councilmember / Businesswoman / Mother

Law Enforcement Contributions:

None as of 8/23/24


 Cervantes is an openly queer elected member of the Riverside City Council and former Chair of the Riverside Transit Agency’s Greater Riverside Transportation NOW Chapter. She is the sister of current Assemblymember, Sabrina Cervantes, who is vacating this seat to run for Senate.

Public Safety Platform:

Cervantes campaign website states a priority of hers is to “Make Neighborhoods Safe” and offers general sentiments about public safety, writing: “Clarissa believes every resident deserves to feel safe in the community they live in. She will ensure public safety officials have the tools they need to protect families and reduce crime, while upholding the law and treating everyone equally.”

During the primary, on her campaign website Cervantes promised to “Keep Riverside Safe”, stating: “Crime is rising statewide, homelessness is a greater challenge than ever, and wildfires are making firefighters’ jobs more dangerous. Clarissa will work with our local law enforcement to increase training to meet these new challenges, better deploy resources, and equip first responders with the tools they need to ensure fast emergency response times and keep Riverside safe.” Cervantes is endorsed by Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper, who is also a former Assemblymember.

While her specific views on public safety issues are largely unknown, Cervantes is facing an opponent who strongly opposes Proposition 47 and advocates for mass expansion of the police and prison system. Therefore, IJ Action recommends Cervantes for Assembly District 58.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Licensed Psychotherapist/ Businesswoman

Law Enforcement Contributions:

None as of 8/23/24


Castillo is a Licensed Psychotherapist by training, and Vice President of the Riverside Republican Assembly.

Public Safety Platform:

Castillo does not have an issues page on her campaign website, but her background information includes the following statement: “California is at its breaking point. Many of OUR friends, family, and neighbors have already left the state. Our once safe communities are now filled with crime, drug use, and homelessness. Criminals are set free while law abiding citizens pay the price of the failed policies in Sacramento. I want to change that with common sense policies that will strengthen our law enforcement agencies because we all deserve to feel safe in our communities.”

Castillo is endorsed by Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco and Riverside District Attorney Michael Hestrin.


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