Initiate Justice Action


Tina Simone McKinnor (D)

Incumbent – Grade A+

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 State Assemblymember

Law Enforcement Contributions:

None as of 8/23/24


Assemblymember McKinnor was first elected to the State Assembly in 2022 after a career as a political organizer and legislative staffer. She was Operations Director for the California Democratic Party and Campaign Director for PL+US, an organization advocating for paid family leave. McKinnor also worked as Civic Engagement Director for L.A. Voice.

Public Safety Platform:

In her first term, Assemblymember McKinnor proved to be a strong supporter of justice reform. She was a co-author of ACA 4, an IJ Action cosponsored piece of legislation that would place an initiative on the November 2024 ballot to restore voting rights to people in prison.

She also authored AB 1310, which would make SB 620 (2017) retroactive and allow people who are currently serving prison sentences with gun enhancements to petition the court for resentencing; AB 1523, which would allow people eligible for youth offender parole to have youth offender parole hearings after serving only 15 years in prison instead of 20 or 25 years; and AB 2833 to ensure the integrity of restorative justice programs in the court system.

Assemblymember McKinnor forcefully and vocally opposed AB 1990, a bill strongly opposed by IJ Action, which would have authorized physical custody for petty shoplifting. She led the effort to keep 35 Democrats off the bill when it came up for an Assembly Floor vote, and spearheaded the effort to get the Legislative Black Caucus to oppose the bill. 

She upholds these positions on her campaign website, stating: “I support reforms for people who are currently incarcerated and services for the formerly incarcerated who are reentering society. I also support efforts to reduce the number of people who are incarcerated. I will work to provide funding for mental health treatment, employment services and access to education. I advocated for SB 2 because I believe in police accountability.”

Assemblymember McKinnor also earned A’s on both our 2023 and 2024 Legislative Scorecard, voting yes on all of the justice reform bills we have highlighted over the last two years. This year she earned an “A+” for also voting no on AB 1960. IJ Action is proud to endorse Assemblymember McKinnor.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Restaurateur / Coach / Councilmember

Law Enforcement Contributions:

The candidate has not reported any campaign funds as of 8/23/24


 Hernandez is a city planner for the City of Downey.

Public Safety Platform:

Hernandez does not have a campaign website or platform, and little information about him is publicly available



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