Initiate Justice Action

Harm Reduction

David A. Alvarez (D)

Incumbent – Grade B

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:


Law Enforcement Contributions:

Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC PAC)
California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA)
National Peace Officers & Firefighters Benefit Association Trust
California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
California Association of Highway Patrolmen
Huntington Beach Police Officers Association
Los Angeles Police Protective League
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Employees’ Benefit Association


 Assemblymember Alvarez was elected to the State Assembly in 2022 after a career as a social worker. Alvarez served on the San Diego City Council for several years and also on the San Diego Community College District Board. He is a Capitol Fellows Program alumna under the Secretary of State, and also worked as Community Liaison for former State Senator Denise Moreno Ducheny.

Public Safety Platform:

Assemblymember Alvarez does not have a written public safety platform on his campaign website, however, he has generally voted to support justice reform legislation. He earned a B on the IJ Action Legislative Scorecard last year and this year. This year, Assemblymember Alvarez supported reform measures and criminalization bills alike, voting for everything from AB 2178 to reduce prison capacity to AB 1960 to create new enhancements for property damage. He also authored AB 436, which decriminalized cruising in CA. 

However, he has also received significant campaign contributions from law enforcement. Due to this fact, and his support of certain measures to increase criminalization, IJ recommends re-electing Assemblymember Alvarez as a means of harm reduction given the extremist views of his opponent. 



Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Retired Naval Officer

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


 Williams is a retired naval officer and software manager in the defense industry, with a long career at Northrop Grumman defense contractors.

Public Safety Platform:

 Williams writes the following on public safety issues: “Victims’ rights over criminals’ rights.  Stop tolerating criminal activity.  Californians should feel safe in their homes, their property should be secure, and criminals be apprehended, tried, and if guilty, punished.   Support, fund, and train the police to meet the needs of a civil society.  Organize California law enforcement to efficiently meet the needs of a large, diverse, and culturally changing citizenry.”


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