Initiate Justice Action


Nick Schultz (D)

Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Deputy Attorney General

Law Enforcement Contributions:

None as of 8/23/24


Schultz is currently on the Burbank City Council and was first elected to that post in 2020. He is also a Deputy Attorney General within the Special Prosecutions Section focused on tax evasion, mortgage fraud, officer-involved shootings, and public corruption cases.

Public Safety Platform:

Shultz’s public safety platform is focused on criminal justice reform, stating how “As a Deputy Attorney General, Nick has been on the frontlines combatting abuses and misuses of authority by public officials. In the Legislature, Nick will pursue legislation that prevents crime, addresses systemic injustices, and promotes rehabilitation and equity in our criminal justice system.” In the IJ Action candidate questionnaire and interviews, Schultz also indicated that he strongly supports ending mandatory minimums, capping sentence enhancements, and repealing the Three Strikes Law.

Schultz also highlights how he was involved in the creation of a Post-Conviction Review Unit at the Department of Justice, which reviews “…claims of innocence and wrongful conviction for any cases handled by the State” so that “individuals making claims of wrongful convictions will be able to have their voices heard.” He also serves on the unit of the Department of Justice that investigates police killings of unarmed people and has successfully prosecuted police officers. IJ Action is proud to endorse Shultz for AD 44.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Construction Regional Manager

Law Enforcement Contributions: None as of 8/23/24


 Rodriguez is an Army Veteran and first-time candidate for State Assembly.

Public Safety Platform:

Rodriguez’s public safety platform includes the following: “Complete defunding the police/first-responders should never be considered. Instead, funding should be allocated for better training and tools. I will always be an advocate for our first responders; I believe security at our borders must be given priority, yet not at the expense of our reputation for Constitutional defense and protection of human rights.”


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