Initiate Justice Action


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Businesswoman / Redding Mayor

Law Enforcement Contributions: 

None as of 8/23/24


Audette is Mayor Pro Tem on the Redding City Council, and a District Representative for her senate district. She is a former CAGOP delegate and Campaign Manager for the Republican National Committee. She is also an Adjunct Instructor at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry teaching a course on “God and Government.”

Public Safety Platform:

Audette no longer has a policy platform on her campaign website, but during the primary, her website outlined the following under “Crime: Ensuring the safety and security of our communities is paramount. I will work closely with law enforcement agencies, prioritize community policing, and support initiatives that address the root causes of crime. By fostering collaboration between residents, businesses, and law enforcement, we can create a safer North State for all.”

Audette is endorsed by both the Modoc County Sheriff and Amador County Sheriff, and by former sheriffs. 

Audette has endorsed Proposition 36, a measure that will appear on the November 2024 General Election ballot that would bring back felony charges for drug possession, create new enhancements for retail theft, and gut major components of Proposition 47. It is being led by district attorneys, police and prison associations, and big corporations like Walmart and Home Depot.


Political Party:


Ballot Designation:

 Farmer / Emergency Manager

Law Enforcement Contributions:

California Association of Highway Patrolmen PAC


Hadwick is a farmer, small business owner, and teacher. She was Deputy Director of Modoc County’s Office of Emergency Services at the local sheriff’s department for almost 5 years. She is a former County 4-H Coordinator through UC Davis, and teaches a Public Safety class at Modoc High School. She also served as president of her local school board.

Public Safety Platform:

Hadwick’s platform states the following: “Our officers are asked to do more with less. They are on the front lines daily, protecting our communities and keeping us safe. Yet, Sacramento politicians hand criminals get-out-of-jail-free cards and cut funding from law enforcement. Heather backs the blue 100%. Heather will go to Sacramento to ensure career criminals are held accountable, and our law enforcement departments have the resources they need to keep us safe.”

Hadwick is endorsed by the California Association of Highway Patrolmen and numerous current and former sheriffs.


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