Initiate Justice Action

IJ Action Recommendation: VOTE YES


End Slavery in Prisons


Placed on the ballot by legislators, Proposition 6 would amend the state constitution to remove all language allowing for slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime. The amended language would read “Slavery and involuntary servitude is prohibited.” The measure would also bar the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from punishing people in prison for refusing to work. California is one of 16 states that allow involuntary servitude for incarcerated people. The California Black Legislative Caucus included the amendment in its reparations bill package.


Funders: ACLU California Action, Anti-Recidivism Coalition, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice, Legal Service for Prisoners with Children

Organizations: Yes on Prop 6, End Slavery in California, sponsored by social justice and civil rights organizations


Funders: N/A

Organizations: N/A

IJ Action Recommendation

IJ Action strongly supports a yes vote on Proposition 6 to end slavery and involuntary servitude in California prisons. While efforts to ensure people in prison are paid living wages for their work continues in earnest, Proposition 6 brings us much closer to realizing that goal by striking the language in our state constitution that allows prisons to force people to work for often less than $1 a day.


Yes on Prop 6: Website

No on Prop 6: N/A