Initiate Justice Action

Proposition 5 |
Local Government Funding

IJ Action Recommendation: VOTE YES




Proposition 5 would lower the supermajority vote threshold currently required to approve local bonds for financing housing and infrastructure projects. If passed, these projects would require a 55% threshold as opposed to the current ⅔ requirement. To avoid opposition from the influential real estate industry, supporters agreed to block bond money from being used to buy single-family homes.


Funders: Chan and Mark Zuckerberg

Organizations: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Advocacy - Yes on 5; NPH Action Fund - Yes on Prop 5;


Funders: California Business Roundtable PAC, California Association of Realtors Organizations: No on Prop 5 - Protect Local Taxpayers, Sponsored by California Homeowners, Businesses, and Taxpayers; Homeownership for Families Sponsored by California Association of Realtors

IJ Action Recommendation

IJ Action recommends a yes vote on Proposition 5 because many small, local governments have steadfastly blocked housing development, which has contributed to both our affordability and homelessness crises. By lowering the vote threshold needed to pass infrastructure projects, it will help expedite their approval and construction.


Yes on Prop 5: Website