Initiate Justice Action

IJ Action Recommendation: VOTE YES


Climate Bond


Also placed on the ballot by legislative Democrats, Proposition 4 would authorize the state to borrow $10 billion in bond funds for climate programs. If approved, the measure would reserve $3.8 billion for safe drinking water and groundwater, $1.5 billion for wildfire and forest programs and $1.2 billion for sea level rise mitigation. The money would offset some budget cuts to climate programs in recent years.


Funders: N/A

Organizations: N/A


Funders: N/A

Organizations: N/A

IJ Action Recommendation

IJ Action recommends a yes vote on Proposition 4 to finance dire climate resiliency and adaptation projects. Given the state’s historic budget deficit, many important climate programs are not receiving the funding they need through the annual budget. Using bond financing can help ensure these critical programs remain sustainable.


Yes on Prop 4: Website

No on Prop 4: N/A