Initiate Justice Action

IJA Endorsed Candidates 2024

IJA Endorsed Senate & Assembly Candidates

2024 Endorsed Candidates

Jovanka Beckles – Senate District 7

Beckles has demonstrated a strong commitment to criminal justice issues stretching back to her earliest days on the Richmond City Council, where she led the first effort nationwide to enact a ban the box policy.

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2024 Endorsed Candidates

Scott Wiener – Senate District 11

Senator Wiener has been a very reliable ally on criminal justice issues, and has an outsized influence on the topic due to his status as a member of the Senate Public Safety Committee.

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2024 Endorsed Candidates

Mia Bonta – Assembly District 18

Assemblymember Bonta is a stalwart champion for criminal justice reform, leading transformative bills to strengthen visitation rights, vacate criminal convictions of survivors, and empower at-promise youth.

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2024 Endorsed Candidates

Ash Kalra – Assembly District 25

As the author of the Racial Justice Act, Assemblymember Kalra has been a crucial leader introducing bills that reimagine public safety by building strong and resilient communities.

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2024 Endorsed Candidates

Nick Shultz – Assembly District 44

Schultz is the unique type of prosecutor who spent his career holding corrupt politicians and corporations accountable, and demonstrates a deep understanding of our broken criminal legal system.

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2024 Endorsed Candidates

George Gascón – LA District Attorney

District Attorney Gascón is by far the most progressive district attorney in the country, who has followed through on his campaign promises to reimagine how the office approaches the criminal legal system.

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IJA Endorsed Candidates

(Sacramento, Oceanside, Alameda County)

2024 Endorsed Candidates

NO on Recall of District Attorney Pamela Price

As district attorney, District Attorney Price has taken a more progressive approach with policies such as not charging youth under 18 as adults, pursuing diversion, fully funding reentry services, and not seeking the death penalty.

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IJA Endorsed Candidates

IJA Endorsed Candidates

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2024 Ballot Measures

2024 Ballot Measures

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State Senate Candidates

State Senate Candidates

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State Assembly Candidates

State Assembly Candidates

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